Intensive Course for Specialists and Executive Staff This course empowers the participants to read numerals and words in Arabic script immediately and to write easy words by one's own hand. The teaching unit lasts about half a day.
In the first step they learn about the characteristics of every single of the 28 letters and the variations in writing, about the pronunciation and about the rules of connecting the letters, and they get to know the Arabic-Indian numerals.
With this background they already actively apply the acquired knowledge and write on their own names and any word of their mother tongue in Arabic script.
And they are able to read words found in provided images about the everyday and business life of regions where the Arabic alphabet is used.
Afterwards the learners will be supported with a worksheet containing the Arabic alphabet and the Arabic numerals which was specially developed for this course. With the aid of that and by using their gained knowledge, they are able to perfect their newly earned skills at home or in their particular target country.
The course is an ideal access for the acquirement of intercultural competence in preparation of short- and long-term stays in North Africa and the Middle East. It enables one to surprisingly easily jump a supposedly high hurdle to get along on site and to learn the Arabic language.
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